St Paul’s College (Ponsonby) St Paul’s College (Ponsonby)

Year 10 Commerce

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr M. Prasad.

Recommended Prior Learning

Open Entry

The Economic World – Students learn about the ways in which people participate in economic activities and about the consumption, production, and distribution of goods and services. They develop an understanding of their role in the economy and of how economic decisions affect individuals and communities. 

“A simple decision to buy a milkshake in an economist’s eye is seen as players in an intricate game of signals and negotiations. The game is for high stakes; some of the people who worked to get the milkshake in front of you make a lot of money, some of them made very little and some of them are after the money in your pocket right now. Some of the producers involved used sustainable production techniques and others used the cheapest methods they could, some sell their products on global markets and others deliver it to your local dairy.”

All Year 10 students will also be part of the BP Challenge-  YES Programme in Term 2 for 3 days.

Subject Overview

Term 1
Production and productivity – 3 credits towards Junior Diploma
Insurance- basis and principles
Clever Consumer- rights and responsibilities



Assessment Information

A research-based assessment completed for 3 JD credits


Year 11 Commerce, Year 12 Economics, Year 13 Economics

Career Pathways

Accountant, Auditor, Business Analyst, Statistician, Bank Worker, Economist, Energy/Carbon Auditor, Market Research Analyst, Policy Analyst, Secondary School Teacher, Data Analyst