St Paul’s College (Ponsonby) St Paul’s College (Ponsonby)

Year 10 Social Studies

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr H. Meads.

In Humanities students learn about the history and geography of New Zealand and the world. They will learn about the ways in which people seek Human Rights, with a focus on the Holocaust and situation in China, they will learn about Te Tiriti and the way it has been interpreted throughout NZ's history. They will also learn about systems of government around the world, with a focus on North Korea and New Zealand. The year will conclude with a unit giving NCEA credits in preparation for year 11. This course prepares students for Senior NCEA Geography and History.

Subject Overview

Term 1
The theme will be Human Rights and the case studies will be the Holocaust and Black Civil Rights

Term 2
The theme will be Te Tiriti and the the case studies to examined will be the signing of the Treaty, the New Zealand Wars and the Ihumatao protests.

Term 3
The theme will be government and we will contrast the government of New Zealand with those of North Korea and the USA

Term 4
Sustainability of Maldives Tourism NCEA Level 1 Geography assessment


Social Sciences, Social Studies


Year 11 Geography