St Paul’s College (Ponsonby) St Paul’s College (Ponsonby)

Year 8 Science

Subject Description

8 Science is our introductory course to Secondary School Science covering the main areas of Science: The Living World, The Material World, The Physical World and Earth and Space Science. It provides the foundation for future studies in the area of Science with a mix of Practical and Theory to give students an overview of the world around us.

Subject Overview

Term 1
Working in a Laboratory
Science skills: observation explaining things and Writing a Report

Living things and places – 3 different environment

Formative test : General Science Skills and Ecology : 4 Credits

Project 1: Factors Affecting Seed Germination: observation & Report

Building blocks of life- Growth and Reproduction including Life cycle.

Term 2
Material world: Chemistry
Water and its surface tension including properties
Atoms and molecules including first 15 Elements from Periodic Table.
Structures and inside atom- poster (A3)

Home Chemistry: carry on experiments and writing up the experiment.
Formative test: Matter, Periodic table and Atoms: 4 credits

Energy and its forms and uses in daily human life
Study and write a report on Solar or Geothermal energy.

Science fair: you need to choose any topic: details will be discussed in class.

Term 3
Physical World: Forces and Motion: types of forces, History of Sir Isaac Newton.

Processing & interpreting information – Forces, Mass, weight and Motion.
Focus and planning – Fair test practice
Formative test: Forces Motion and Energy: 4 Credits

Project : gathering information and reporting – think about Friction/ Motion/ Terminal Velocity etc

Term 4
Planet world-Astronomy
Our Galaxy and Earth Atmosphere including AIR.

Sketch a neat and tidy nearest milky Galaxy.
Formative test : Astronomy : 4 Credits.
EOTC - Stardome : day trip

Debate : Global warming/ weathering/ natural disasters in Pacific region

