St Paul’s College (Ponsonby) St Paul’s College (Ponsonby)

Year 9 Social Studies

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr H. Meads.

In Humanities students learn about the history and geography of New Zealand and the world. They will learn about the diversity of culture and environment through different geographical and historical contexts. Students will also begin to develop basic research and critical thinking skills through examining a variety of contemporary issues in society. 

This course prepares students for Senior NCEA Geography, History and Classical Studies.

Subject Overview

Term 1
Cultural Interactions
What happens when cultures meet, the good and the bad.

Term 2
Migration Stories
Why do people live where the live and how does it impact the world around them?

Term 3
The Past
A look at how historical forces have shaped and continue to shape our world.

Term 4
Critical thinking and research
How to examine material and determine its reliability. Essential in todays day and age.


Social Sciences, Social Studies


Year 10 Social Studies